
SFDR: We’ve got you covered

The Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (SFDR) may give you some headaches, but also brings a lot of opportunities. Ensure a smooth road to compliance for all reporting obligations by using BIQHs comprehensive SFDR Data Solution.

With the BIQH Market Data Platform for SFDR you will have complete insight in your SFDR data coverage. Instead of taking in multiple data feeds from many data vendors yourself, you will have access to all SFDR data points via a consolidated API. This includes the results for indicators that require complex calculations.

SFDR Insight in your SFDR data coverage

SFDR Data Coverage

The road to SFDR compliance starts with the selection of your data vendors who will deliver the required data. BIQH is connected to numerous data vendors such as Sustainalytics, MSCI, and Morningstar and is ready to help you performing data coverage checks. By using the consolidated BIQH data model, you are completely free to choose whatever data source you like. As a result, you remain to be flexible in data sourcing when – for instance – data quality is not up to par with your requirements.

Availability of SFDR data

The BIQH Market Data Platform enables her clients to use one consolidated API to retrieve all required data for SFDR reporting requirements, saving them a lot of time and money in maintaining the high amount of data fields required. Our API is feeding all your systems, applications, and documents that you are providing to your end users and regulators. By using the GraphQL API, you are completely free to configure the data delivery formats in any way you want. A switch of data sources causes no IT impact, making it to change the solution or cope with new and/or changes regulatory requirements.

SFDR Access to all SFDR data points via one comprehensive API
SFDR calculaties

SFDR calculations as a service

Processing the data feeds from multiple data vendors is one part, performing calculations is another. For example, we help you calculating the ‘carbon footprint’ of your managed portfolios. Or, we help you to calculate the principal adverse impact (PAI) indicators. The BIQH Market Data Platform and our managed services takes care of all these complex calculations. Naturally, calculated values and/or derived data are stored in the BIQH cloud and become available in the BIQH API distribution layer for your data analytics purposes. Finally, we provide you with the means to track and trace the outcomes of the calculations back to the origins of the raw data being delivered by your desired data sources.

3 Key benefits of the BIQH SFDR

Comprehensive data integration

Our ESG screening integrates data from internal and external sources to evaluate each company's sustainability practices. This results in a structured and mapped integration of all unrelated data, ensuring financial institutions have accurate and actionable information for investment decisions.

Customizable business rules

We offer customizable business rules that allow financial institutions to tailor the ESG evaluation to their specific needs and priorities. This flexibility ensures that the screening process aligns with their unique investment strategies and goals.

Screening external portfolios

Our service enables financial institutions to apply ESG screening to externally managed investment portfolios, such as mutual funds and ETFs. This helps mitigate risks in the supply chain and ensures that all partners meet high ESG standards.

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  • Let’s chat: Have a chat to learn more about our platform and how it can benefit your organization, with no obligations or commitments.
  • See the product: Schedule a demo to explore the features and benefits of the BIQH Market Data Platform.
  • Start small: We can explain our 3-step approach, where we begin with just one vendor or downstream application and show you how easy it is to integrate and manage your market data seamlessly.