
Connect the world with BIQH’s flexible endpoints

Financial institutions want their market data to seamlessly enter their applications. BIQH offers a dynamic platform with flexible delivery options, including SaaS, SFTP servers, webhooks, email, Redis, and Snowflake. This ensures smooth data flow and seamless integration with various systems.

What is an endpoint?

An endpoint is a specific URL or interface in an application that allows other systems to interact with it. Endpoints enable different applications to communicate and exchange data, playing a crucial role in integrating systems and streamlining workflows.

Is an endpoint always in the cloud?

Endpoints can be cloud-based or on-premise. The choice depends on factors like data security, compliance requirements, and integration needs. BIQH supports both, offering flexibility to match your organizational requirements.

What endpoints should you look for?

When evaluating endpoints, consider the following types:

  1. Data transfer endpoints: Protocols like SFTP for secure data transfer.
  2. Notification endpoints: Email for sending notifications, reporting and alerts.
  3. Real-time data endpoints: Webhooks for real-time data delivery.

Each type of endpoint has its own use case and benefits, making it essential to choose the right ones based on your specific needs.

Exploring endpoints: SFTP, email, and webhooks

SFTP: Ideal for securely handling large amounts of data between systems. BIQH uses SFTP to protect sensitive financial data.

Email: Essential for routine reports and alerts.

Webhooks: Allows real-time data delivery via HTTP callback. BIQH’s webhooks can instantly send data to external systems, including modern data warehouses like Snowflake, improving data accessibility and simplifying data management.

The power of webhooks and triggers

Webhooks, combined with our platform’s time-based and data-driven triggers, create a powerful tool for financial institutions. Here’s how it works:

  • Time-based triggers: These triggers send data at scheduled intervals, ensuring that your systems are updated with the latest information at predefined times.
  • Data-driven triggers: These triggers send data when specific conditions are met, such as the arrival of new data or changes in existing data. This ensures that critical updates are delivered as soon as they happen.

Example use case: Snowflake integration

Imagine integrating BIQH’s market data platform with Snowflake via a webhook. As soon as new market data arrives in our platform, a data-driven trigger activates a webhook that sends this data into Snowflake’s data lake. This setup not only improves data accessibility but also simplifies data management and analytics processes, giving your team immediate insights without manual intervention.

Flexibility and interconnectivity: key aspects of BIQH

Our platform’s flexibility is key to its success. Here’s why:

  1. Connect with any application: Whether it’s an old system or a new tool, BIQH can connect with it. If it’s not currently supported, we’ll ensure it is.
  2. Adjusting to your needs: We understand that every organization has unique requirements. Our platform adapts to your specific data workflows and processes, ensuring a tailored fit.
  3. Future-proof connectivity: As new applications and endpoints come out, BIQH keeps up with the latest developments, ensuring your data infrastructure remains modern and efficient.

BIQH offers a GraphQL API that allows users to create their own queries and fetch authorized data in a manner suitable for their needs. This means that end-users can request all authorized data within the BIQH model without needing traditional predefined API calls.

Why this matters

In a time when data guides business decisions, having a versatile and well-connected data platform is not just beneficial; it’s crucial. BIQH’s ability to seamlessly integrate with various endpoints and adjust to your evolving needs ensures that you’re always in control of your data, no matter how complex your infrastructure becomes.

Want to know more? Get in touch with an expert or download our factsheet!

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