
BIQH Blogs

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FAQ on ESG Screening and ESG Data Management

Introduction Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) Screening is becoming increasingly important in the financial industry. Where financial institutions previously managed many processes manually, they are now focusing on switching to

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7 Challenges of ESG Data Management.

The 7 challenges of ESG Data Management

In the financial world, the significance of Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) data is rapidly increasing, impacting both regulatory compliance and investment decision-making. As the landscape becomes more complex, firms

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Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation | SFDR | Market Data

BIQH ESG Screening

Banks and asset managers have embraced environmental, social, and governance (ESG) investments more recently. ESG screening reassures these organizations that their investments are in line with their investment philosophy. For

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BIQH is FSQS-NL Registered

BIQH is FSQS-NL registered

We have some great news for you! Next to our recently renewed ISO 27001 certification we are now also FSQS-NL registered. This registration is an important milestone in our continuous

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